CORONAVIRUS creating Extreme Anxiety? Therapy sessions at home via Skype or Zoom

  Can’t go out to visit your therapist!? No problem, we’ll do it online. Different delivery - same great results!

Firstly, Extreme anxiety - Is this you? :

  • Finding yourself becoming increasingly anxious, over the Corona virus outbreak, when listening to the constant sensationalism and negative news reporting, every time you turn on the TV or radio, or talk to a neighbour, friend or family member?

  • Heart feel like it is banging or racing, to the
    extent that you think something awful is going to happen to you?

  • Regularly catastrophizing over something that
    may not even happen?

  • Constantly tired, lethargic, disinterested and

  • Sweaty, shaky or unstable on your feet at times?

  • Irritable and finding it hard to concentrate at
    work or at home?

  • Struggling to switch off and to sleep?

  • Terrified that you are going to be made to stay
    at home, 'self isolating? No contact, no life!

    If this is the case, you are suffering from, (possibly amongst other things) GAD - Generalised Anxiety Disorder. However bad this feels for you, it is not at all unusual nor indeed, life threatening and it is wholly fixable. All behaviours are learned, we are all born 100% confident, like a blank canvas. We do not lose our innate, inbuilt confidence, however bad we feel. We simply lose our ability to access it, as it becomes increasingly buried so deeply inside.

    Don't let the thought of Corona virus or any other debilitating or limiting belief get the better of you. Learn how to be back in charge, take control and begin to enjoy life again, by
    viewing it from a totally different and unthreatening perspective.

    All learned behaviours can be unlearned and dismissed, and that is what I help you to accomplish. The result is YOU back in control, making your own decisions, calm, confident and generally enjoying life, despite life’s occasional setbacks.

    I am happy to discuss how RTT will help you to get back to being the person you really want to be, confident, grounded and in control. It's really not difficult!

    RTT - Rapid Transformational Therapy has come to be known internationally as the ‘Super Therapy’ for its rapid and profound healing nature and speed of transformation. It is, according to my own client results, the most powerful and speedy form of anxiety resolution that I have come across. No more spending  weeks, months (or in some cases, even years,) in therapy. RTT is rapid, to-the-point and remarkably transforming and rejuvenating.

    I have the privilege of having been trained personally by the founder, Maris Peer, herself. Marisa is an international therapist to rock stars, members of the royal family and executives of many global companies. She is a best-selling author and speaker and has won numerous awards across the globe for her exceptional healing therapy, created over 30+ year . So profound are the results of this therapy in 1 to 3 sessions, that she has lectured to the Royal College of Physicians on her methods and her deep understanding of the workings of the brain!

    Therapy sessions delivered by Skype or Zoom in the comfort of your own home, with no need to panic about unnecessary contact and virus transmission.

    Call 07922190964 for your free telephone consultation.

Check the website, for more information on RTT and how it can change your life.