LIfelong depression and anxiety, dismissed completely with RTT

Having suffered with bouts of depression and anxiety most of my life, I learnt that our subconscious mind can hold past events, I searched the internet for some clues as to what this may be and therapy to help me after endless trips to my GP without relief. I came across RTT. Sceptical as I am, No, really.. sceptical of reading about things that can fix you or perceive to have the answers to your personal issues.. reading those is difficult to accept for me. But, the information I learnt about RTT gave me the confidence to go further.

I started to research RTT Therapists in my area, - I read the experience and professional qualifications of the therapists and felt Jackie Karkeek had what I needed. There is something about some people that just connect and feel right inside you - Well I was right, because Jackie was both professional and warm. She created a connection with me instantly, made me feel at ease and comfortable, Jackie understood me and what I needed. This had been another worry for me. "Will Jackie understand me?"

Jackie is calm, relaxed and supportive, most of all, Jackie fully understood me and what I needed. From start to finish the whole experience changed my life. Yes, really. I was diagnosed with the "fibromyalgia label" so after 10 yrs of antidepressants and extreme pain my life came to an almost stop,

I am now in recovery with weekly improvements, continuing techniques, that reduce or stop my thoughts. I am enjoying things that I had forgot I could enjoy. Now looking back the acceptance of life events was my issues yet in reality this process was easier than I had thought, I feel the issue is when you are locked in your own thoughts, running round in your own head it is a nightmare, I know. All I can say to anyone thinking of therapy is make the first step and you will be on your journey, because I wish I had taken steps years before.

I recommend to anyone to make a call to Jackie. I could not have done this without Jackie's professional help.

Mark Stephens Devon UK