Finally off the roller coaster of intense anxiety and procrastination

When I found Jackie’s website I knew my search for a hypnotherapist was over. I could tell that she would understand my problems and that she would be able to help me. I was right!

I’d had an intense couple of years of stress which had left me volatile, erratic and not myself. There was no reason for me to be like this anymore, yet as much as I tried, I couldn’t snap out of it. I could see the detrimental effect on my life and entire family.

After seeing Jackie I finally came off the rollercoaster of anxiety! I felt calm, with greater clarity and perspective. I found I could access all the happy hormones and not just all the stress hormones. The unexpected benefit was that I found I stopped procrastinating in situations where it had become a terrible habit.

Thank you Jackie for liberating me! You’ve been incredible.